Thursday, August 13, 2015

Co ordinated Manipulation of Students and Student Loan Debt

As I continue to explore the issues surrounding the student loan debt problem one can't turn a blind eye to systemic problems within the University structure itself.

                                Lets Face Facts:

1.Universities and colleges are big business. They generate income, employ people in various occupations: from professors to landscapers within the business itself. The entity itself wields tremendous political influence.

2.Major employer in many towns. Many are completely dependent on the revenue generated from the schools that obtain funds from student admission fees. The residents are very protective of this major employer since they have a vested interest in the continued success and expansion.

3.Private, independent business are also dependent upon them. Businesses establish a presence on the campus as well as encircle the campus. They are assured a steady source of customers during the traditional school year. Basically having a trapped consumer group. Schools continue to expand the summer school options, such as Maymester to extend the revenue generating activities.

4. Socially we are all invested since an educated work force is important. We all benefit.



1. Right of passage. Why? Not everyone wants or has the aptitude to attend university.
2.Affordability. Not everyone can afford to attend immediately upon graduation. Maybe the students personally should have some savings and therefore some "skin in the game" before they start. They may then demand better service for their money! Professors who teach, and grade their papers and not relying on underpaid graduate students.

3. Students usually are required to live in residences for their first year and purchase pre determined meal plans. The usual argument is that this is the first time the student is on their own and it is a way to meet people. This coddled view hides the reality that there are students who simply cannot afford to live on campus. Some may continue to live at home, rent a less expensive apartment or commute.
Students will meet other students whether living on campus or not.

4.On-line programs deprive students of the campus experience. Rubbish. If it is the only affordable way for the student, then that is a valid way to obtain the education. Besides one can attend the campus part time and do on-line if they wish the campus experience.

5.Food and beverage outlets on campus. Why on Earth should expensive establishments be the only ones on campus immediately accessible to students? I do not want to point out specific ones, but if you are reading this you know who they are. This also contributes to the ever rising costs of attending school.

6.Grocery Stores bordering the campuses usually have inflated prices. Once again the trapped consumer. This penalizes students who do wish and need to be economical. They cannot afford the prices on the campus.

7.Tenure. We simply cannot afford life time tenure. Their needs to be a reasonable retirement age so that it frees up positions for new individuals with new ideas, energy, and enthusiasm. The retirement age might be higher than traditional industry and tenure is sometimes required to protect professors with controversial views but the system is becoming stagnant and too costly. It is becoming too top heavy.

These are some thoughts that I am certain will generate controversy.
I would like to add one more to the list...

When did the university experience turn into a country club experience? If you have not been, I encourage you to go visit a University sports facility, squash courts, tennis courts, soccer fields, swimming pools, athletic facilities, rock climbing walls ect.
I have the audacity to say...this is for recruitment purposes. These are very desirable activities and people do require exercise. Perhaps this could be a service provided by an independent business, because after all the upkeep does cost money and that money comes from the student tuition which comes ultimately from the taxpayer!

1 comment:

  1. Universities are going to have to change as the great middle class squeeze continues.
